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ACLAccess Control List -- a list of users and teams that control the permissions to an entity
ARAccess Requirement or Access Restriction -- a condition for data access that must be met
BAMBidirectional Associative Memory
BCRBiospecimen Core Resource
CNVCopy Number Variation
DCCData Coordinating Center
eRAElectronic Research Administration
MAGE-TABMicroarray Gene Expression - Tabular format
PHIProctected Health Information
TARGETTherapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments
t-SNEt-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding
TSVTab Separated Values
VCFSVersion Controlled File System

File Types

csvComma Separated Values
fastqText-based format for storing both a biological sequence and corresponding quality score
jsonJavaScript Object Notation
mafMutation Annotation Format
rdsRay Dream Studio (contains three-dimensional objects and animation settings)
tsvTab separated value
xmlExtensible Markup Language

Scientific Assays

CyCIFCyclic Immunofluorescence
CyTOFCytometry by time of flight
DLP+DNA transposition single-cell library preparation
FACSFluorescence-activated cell sorting
FISHFluorescence in Situ Hybridization
H&EHematoxylin and eosin stain
inferCNVInferred copy number variation
scDNASingle cell DNA sequencing
scRNASingle cell RNA sequencing
scWGSSingle cell whole genome sequencing
t-CYCIFTissue-based cyclic immunofluorescence
TMAsTissue Microarrays

Breast Cancer Specific Words

AVAlveolar Cells
BABasal Cells
BLBorderline (both basal and luminal)
BRCA 1/2Breast Cancer Type 1, 2
Cas9Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) associated protein 9
CNACopy Number Alteration
DCISDuctal carcinoma in situ
FFPEFormalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded
HSHormone Sensing Cells
LOHLoss of Heterozygosity
LPLuminal Progenitors
LUMSubset within ER+ mature luminal cells enriched in BRCA2 mutations
MECsMammary Epithelial Cell
MLMature Luminal
RNAiRNA interference
ROSReactive Oxygen Species
SNVSingle nucleotide variant
TNBCTriple Negative Breast Cancer
WOOWindow of opportunity clinical trials

Web Applications

APIApplication Programming Interface
CI/CDContinuous integration/continuous delivery
DCAData Curator App
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
RESTRepresentational State Transfer
URLUniversal Resource Locator
UUIDUniversally Unique Identifier

Related Research Organizations

GDCGenomic Data Commons
HTANHuman Tumor Atlast Network
NCINational Cancer Institute
NIHNational Institutes of Health
TCGAThe Cancer Genome Atlas
Last updated on January 17, 2023